I'm so sorry that I forgot to remind you guys about this! Since I made a huge mistake, I'll post the entire transcript of the chat. Here ya go!
[Xfire] BlizzCon 2007: Hello from BlizzCon 2007!! Welcome to the first in a series of live chats brought to you by Xfire live on the scene! Our first chat is with special guests from WoW Insider! Who will now start taking your questions!
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: woot hi everybody!
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: hey all, I'm Mike Schramm, co-lead of WoW Insider, a blog about Blizzard and World of Warcraft
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: we are live from Anaheim, just seconds away from the convention center where BlizzCon will be tomorrow
amandarivera: Yo yo yo! It's Amanda here from WoW Insider, bloggette and all around Blizzard fangirl.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: and elizabeth harper should be joining us shortly
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: first question
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: ‡PL‡FaTDoG[Myspace]: Question: Will they make the Max level 80, in World of warcraft
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: amanda, what do you think, will they raise the level cap?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I think the level cap will be raised
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but not in the traditional way-- I think the talents/hero points rumor is closest to the truth
amandarivera: I believe they will, the current game model is about progression, about increasing the prowess of the characters.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: if blizzard is interested in making money, they'll raise the level cap :)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but if they're the game company we hope for, they'll also include some midlevel content!
amandarivera: The bosses will continue to increase in difficulty as more expansions are released, so it's natural that the level cap will also increase.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: next question
amandarivera: [TTHS]Prophet: Question: How likely do you think it is that Blizzard will announce Diablo 3 at Blizzcon this year or do you think D3 is a pipe dream...at least for the near future?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: hey elizabeth welcome :)
amandarivera: Hey Elizabeth! :)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I think Blizzard will announce Diablo 3, I
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: 'm just not sure it's tomorrow
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: amanda disagrees with me :)
amandarivera: I'm leaning towards a BlizzCon announcement tomorrow myself
amandarivera: If you look at the current logo art, there are images from all three franchises
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: well yeah it's blizzcon
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but starcraft II, and a new expansion, AND diablo 3?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: too much, I think
amandarivera: We do hear about there being a third dev team out there. But I see your point. I guess we'll just have to see
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: ok next question
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: cthulhutron: Question: Is it possible that there could be more than one place in the upcoming expansion (such as Northrend AND the maelstrom, or Northrend AND the emerald dream?)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: YES
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: that's what I think-- I think we'll see northrend and another area
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: either undermine, or the maelstrom, or something else
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I think we will see northrend, but I don't think that's the only thing we'll see
amandarivera: I agree, there is the possiblity of seeing multiple locations, although I think it also would make sense to separate the Maelstrom from a Northrend expansion
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: there we go
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: hi elizabeth
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [TTHS]Prophet: Question: There have been rumours that they are adding a class called Death Knights, among others but I want to know if you think they are adding prestige classes...bolt ons if you wish...or brand spanking new classes?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: here's the death knight thing ::)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: what do you think about that one?
amandarivera: Honestly I'm torn
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I would love to see hero classes this expansion, but if they announce a death knight, and that's it, it's crazy
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I think they're going to announce the death knight, and more hero classes in the expansion, TBA-- remember that we waited for the Draenei reveal for a long time
amandarivera: I know they said last BlizzCon there would be no Hero Classes. But I am not so sure I would want to leave my beloved main behind and start with another character
harpere: I think it would be very odd for Blizzard to add a single hero class -- at least in the way I currently think of as a "hero" class. (i.e. an improved form of existing classes.)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: right, and that goes back to the level cap-- Blizzard's game is about improving one character, not your alts
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: alts is something that's extra, not on the created game
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Infernuz: Question: Seeing the history of blizzard do you think they might come up with something totally new?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: this is what I think we'll see instead of Diablo 3
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: i think Blizzard will take all their WoW money and break new ground
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: how long has it been since they had new IP?
amandarivera: Certainly breathing new life into their creative process is always a good idea
amandarivera: I don't know if fans would be able to break with tradition though and accept something new
amandarivera: I am still behind on the other titles myself
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: here's a good one just for each of us then
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Porozny: Question: In your personal opinions, what game do you prefer out of blizzard's games? The Warcraft Universe, the StarCraft Universe, or the Diablo Universe? Or any other Blizzard released games.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: what do you think, warcraft, starcraft, or diablo?
harpere: I've always been a Diablo fan at heart!
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: or other blizzard release games haha yeah i really like rock n roll racing
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: although lost vikings = teh awesome
amandarivera: I honestly love Warcraft, because it's the world I know best
amandarivera: I actually started my Blizz experience in WoW
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: i'm going to have to go with elizabeth I think, diablo is good mindless fun
amandarivera: and then moved onto other titles sorta backwards :P
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: wow is a good time, but diablo is clicky clicky looty looty
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: it seems like we all agree northrend, so here's a good question
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Grimord: Question: Don't you think it's still too soon for the next expansion to bring us Northrend? I mean, Northrend is the lair to the Lich King Arthas... Imho I think that Northrend should be one of the ultimate goals of the game (lore-wise), don't you agree?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I don't think northrend should be an "ultimate goal"-- the seeds of northrend were laid ten years ago in Warcraft III
harpere: And even if it's an "ultimate goal" in current lore -- they're constantly adding to the lore, etc.
amandarivera: For most players that I know they have covered most of TBC backwards and forwards and are eager for new places to explore. Even though I haven't seen all the raid content, I myself am actually looking forward to new places to explore.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: err not 10 years ago that' ss starcraft
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but still
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: northrend is old news-- it's time to go after arthas, imo
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Boojangels: Question: Do you think Starcraft Ghost will FINNALY be coming, or is that game left in the digital graveyard?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: STARCRAFT GHOST IS DEAD
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: and WoW carried the coffin at the funeral :)
amandarivera: *points to shrine*
harpere: Well... I'm not convinced the idea is entirely dead. But I doubt it's going to be brought back this soon.
amandarivera: I have actually heard rumors that they will revisit the project, but that doesn't seem likely
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I think it's gone forever, and I think it'll be along time before Blizzard goes on consoles
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: their development cycle is too long-- new consoles come out by the time they're done
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but watch them disprove me and announce a console title tomorrow :)
harpere: the console thing always seemed like an odd move, I agree... but that doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't still interested in the Ghost concept.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: TTHS]Prophet: Question: Starcraft is recognised for its balance and playability on a professional level like no other RTS. Do you think Blizzard are risking their identity in this respect by braving Starcraft 2 or do you beleive they will get it right and "save face" in the pro esport area?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: good question
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: if you saw me on G4, you know what I think-- I think blizzard will get it exactly right, and that's exactly what they're trying to do
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I think they're trying to update the the game, and put a new RTS into esports
amandarivera: I think a good, even a perfect game can always use an update, especially considering the improvements in design that Blizzard now has under their belt.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: the big question is really if Starcraft II will have heroes
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: we haven't seen anything on that yet-- if they're not in there, it might be blizzard saying that the heroes in RTS mechanic doesn't work
harpere: They already have a history for not releasing games "until they're done," so I have full confidence that Blizzard will have SC2 as good as it gets by release time -- and they'll be building on their experience from all of their Battle.net games as well as balancing the WoW Arena system for competitive play.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: very interested to see what shows up at BlizzCon for starcraft II
amandarivera: It's a shame Metzen isn't in the chat with us :)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: right, battle.net will get a nice update
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Edge: Question: blizz usually take a whole lot of time to announce let alone release new addiotns to their games... do you think blizzard will manage to release another wow expansion just after 1 year? (or could they be finally be honouring their expansion pack per year promise?)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Rob Pardo has said that they are committed to churning out one per year
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I don't think it'll happen in February, but I think they will release it in the first half of next year
harpere: ...but the CMs have sort of backtracked on that language since Pardo initially said it.
amandarivera: Actually yes, I think they are rocking with enough people on their team, and they are refining their release process as they go along. It'll happen
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: the last BlizzCon was fall 2005, and the expansion didn't come out this year, so who knows
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: *until this year
harpere: I'm really concerned over the fact that the CMs have basically denied any promise for a specific expansion release date... it makes me wonder if we're back to the same old "when it's done" game -- though Amanda makes a good point, they do have enough of a team to get the work done, I think.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: here's an arena question
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Oracle} Anime: [TTHS]Prophet: Question: Again on the pro esport area, WoW Arena 2v2 has gone pro but the mechanics mean that certain combinations being far better than others. Do you think Blizzard will aim to balance this (seeing as it has gone pro) or do you think people can accuse them of passively doctoring the outcome of the arena ladders in favour of certain class combinations?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: first of all, 2v2 isn't pro arena, according to Blizzard (who like 5v5) or the WSVG (who like 3v3)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: 2v2 isn't balanced enough to be pro, from what I've heard
harpere: I believe Blizzard is actively working to balance these things.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: meh but two classes at a time is so hard to balance
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: espcially if they start throwing in hero classes
amandarivera: In order to balance things out, there would have to be a limit on abilities and gear, and I don't see that limitation being forced upon the 2v2
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: yeah I think 2v2 will keep being a fun thing, and 3v3 and 5v5 will remain the "pro" arena ladders
harpere: Of course, even if we look at 5v5 Arenas (the finals happening at BlizzCon), 25% of the players are Warriors. I think there are some balance issues going on -- but I also think Blizzard is working on addressing them. Just look at the 2.2 patch notes, which
harpere: aim to address a large number of PvP-specific inconsistencies.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: here's a good one for us :)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Boojangels: Question: What game do you think the Beta key in the goodie bag will be?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Starcraft 2 all the way
harpere: I'm holding out hope for Diablo 3 still!
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I doubt they're going to announce a new game AND give out beta keys
harpere: But SC2 is far more likely, with a smaller possibility of the next WoW expansion.
amandarivera: hmmm....well honestly, I'm still waiting for my beta key to be used from the last BlizzCon :(
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: here's a good one from the unofficial room: Kumbol wants to know if there will be a new BG in the expansion
amandarivera: I am hoping that it will be for SC2, if not for the next expansion
amandarivera: ooh how about water based pvp! that would be an awesome battleground
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: yes, I agree with SaintAvalon-- I want new maps for old BGs
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I want to see a new CTF map at 10-19
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I want to see a new Alterac where Horde has a better lay of the land :)
harpere: I think a new BG is likely, and I also think new maps for existing BGs is likely.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I don't want to see any new BGs until we get updates of the old ones :)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: ĹĮĽ_ŜĂŦǺП™: question: since wow will be releasing 1 expansion every year... what will they do with all the old content? people will forget about it and not play it just like naxx and mc and ony lair now.... what to they plan to do about these lost dungeons?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: well first of all, we still need to see heroic mode on the old dungeons
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but I would LOVE LOVE Blizzard if they announce new midlevel content tomorrow
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: not only would that make alt leveling more fun again, but it would bring a whole new crowd of players back into the game, and bring people back to the old instances
amandarivera: I have heard lovely things about revisiting midlevel content. I am hoping that with the addition of Northrend we will also see the opening of Uldum, which is connected to the city on Northrend, Uldamar.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: right
harpere: I think whenever Blizzard releases the next expansion, they're going to be looking carefully at how TBC rolled out. I.e.: TBC arrived, and everyone left Azeroth and never bothered running any of the raids or dungeons there again.
harpere: What they might actuallly do about that... revamp old content, add to existing content as they add new content... that's the real question, in my mind.
harpere: I'm all for heroic Deadmines. >:)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: oh man that would be so fun
amandarivera: VC at 70 would RULE
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: heroic SM needs to happen soon too
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: SaintAvalon: ~~Question: Have you ehard anything on the new VOIP system that is built in game? What options might there be, like muting specific people, or disabling it during a pug run? Any special things that come with VOIP for raiders, or guilds?~~
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: VOIP is coming in 2.2, so pretty soon, compared to all the other stuff we're talking about
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: you will be able to mute people, and I haven't seen the guild interface yet, but I'm guessing it will be pretty involved
amandarivera: I personally don't have much more info than what I've read off the WoW site
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: the better question might be: will you use teamspeak or the ingame voip?
amandarivera: It really depends on the functionality of what Blizz offers. If I can get the same options, or even better options, and not lag to death, I will be a happy girl.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: lag will be interesting-- the game is often laggy, but TS never is
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: actually that's not true, it is laggy
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but it's not as important with voice chat as it is with pressing the right buttons at the right times
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [TTHS]Prophet: Question: With World of Warcraft being left behind graphically very quickly and the fast progression we are seeing in technology at this moment in time, do you think Blizzard will look at upgrading the graphics engine with the third expansion or even this coming exapnsion?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I think Blizzard might have more complicated models, as they did with BC
harpere: well, i'd like to point out that one of WoW's driving forces its its lack of high system requirements. it makes the game accessible to a wider audience
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but in terms of revamping the whole graphics engine, no-- Blizzard is known for polish, not cutting edge graphics
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: right
amandarivera: I don't know that its feasible to expect them to restructure the bones of the game. They have kept with the low poly models even with TBC, and I expect them to continue with this.
harpere: (as opposed to Lord of the Rings Online or Vanguard, which just look terrible or won't even run on low end systems)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: newbasaur: NewbasaurQuestion: Will/has WoW hindered blizzard from making a Warcraft 4? Or if they decide to make it will the plot suffer because of WoW?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I don't think Blizzard wants to become the Warcraft company-- they like all of their properties
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: but I think Starcraft II hindered them from making Warcraft IV more than WoW did
amandarivera: I don't think there has been any hinderance if they decide to revisit Warcraft RTS. Also keep in mind that the writers at Blizzard are extremely inventive, and have a great tradition of weaving new lore into older storylines.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: what's after blizzcon, asks this guy
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [TTHS]Prophet: Question: It's all well and good discussing what Blizzard might announce at BlizzCon, but what do you want to see from BlizzCon 2007 and also from Blizzard over the next year to two years until the next BlizzCon?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I don't think Blizzard is thinking about anything after the next expansion-- Metzen has lots of ideas I'm sure but they'll be working on just this for now
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: guild banks are coming soon, and housing may be on the menu at some point
amandarivera: Hmm...well I do think we will see Diablo 3 in our future, and if Mike is right about a new franchise, we'll have all sorts of possiblities open up.
harpere: looking far out into the future, there's still Diablo 3 and their "next gen" MMO
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: and if we don't see Emerald Dream or Maelstrom tomorrow, we'll see it eventually
amandarivera: I also expect we will see revisting of the midlevel zones, connecting them to new content
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: yeah the other idea i had was like a "shadow world" where you could visit old zones ina new light
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: like "shadow elywnn" and "shadow darkshire"
amandarivera: Also keep in mind we have all those portals in Outland we have to go through :)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: and oh yes the portals
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: ok we've got about 10 minutes left, so let's do a lightning round
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: I'll post questions, and you guys just quick punch in a yes or no answer
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: and you questioners, you ask lots of yes or no questions
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: everybody ready?
amandarivera: No :P
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: YES
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: ok here we go LIGHTNING ROUNNDDDDDD
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: cthulhutron: Question: Do you see anything in the blizzcon area which would hint to a WotLK expansion, such as banners or something?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: NO
harpere: nope
amandarivera: Nope
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: curruptmind: Question : will there be a collectors edition to new expansion if so what kind of pets do you think they will give us in it?
amandarivera: yes
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: YES, pandaren :)
harpere: yes
harpere: and who knows with blizz what sort of crazy pets they'll add
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: {Dark}Canna: Question: Can I have a Murloc Suit?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: NO!!!!
amandarivera: I'm hoping for a baby worgen
harpere: sorry, i'm keeping mine!
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [Xfire] MasterRen: Boojangels: Question: Wow breaking 10 million player mark?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: YES
amandarivera: nope
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: O RLY
harpere: yes :)
harpere: (the real question is when)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [Xfire] MasterRen: weaksauce: question: wil there be a wow 2?????????
amandarivera: and yes :)
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: there already is :)
harpere: if you aren't providing that question with any timeframe... then yes.
amandarivera: no
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [Xfire] MasterRen: SaintAvalon: YES OR NO Will hunters pets get some pathing where they don't get lost, stuck, or otherwise incompasitated?!?!?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: no, nerf hunters :)
amandarivera: down with BRK :P
harpere: (but i think they're just as likely to attempt Starcraft or Diablo as new MMO franchises in the future)
amandarivera: :D
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [Xfire] MasterRen: Emy?!?!: Question: Will there be any neutral races like lets say goblins so that both Alliance and Horde be able to chat easier with friends?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: NO
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: Oblivion: CAN I HAVE A COOKIE
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: NO
amandarivera: Neutral races I see as a third faciton, but not facilitating communication
harpere: Obl: only if you're at BlizzCon
amandarivera: NO
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [Xfire] MasterRen: [TTHS]Prophet: Question: Plate for Shadowpriests?
amandarivera: Hell no
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: HELL NO facemelters
harpere: wouldn't that be a deathknight?
amandarivera: good point
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: {Oracle} Anime: can i have sex with mike?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: eerrr maybe
amandarivera: Depends on if you're coming to the meet up
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: {Dark}Canna: Question: Do you think Warlocks will get nerfed or buffed?
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: nerf warlocks
amandarivera: neither
harpere: neither
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: [Xfire] MasterRen: Infernuz: Question: Do a barrelroll?
harpere: i don't think they need buffing or nerfing -- though some other classes need work in comparison.
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: YES, it's over ninethousasssaaannnnddd
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: ok everybody, I think the lightning round's over :)
amandarivera: Huzzah
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: and I think the chat's done too-- THANKS everyone for asking questions, see you at BlizzCon, or at wowinsider.com
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: AND THANKS XFIRE!!
amandarivera: Thanks y'all!
[WoWInsider]mikeschramm: see you at the wowinsider party tonight right? :)
[Xfire] mbg: Thank you :-)
-Matt Graham
WoW Insider/Xfire Chat - 8.2.2007
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wow learn to format interview posts
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